In-order traversal method:
1. Visit Left Sub-Tree
2. Process Current Node
3. Visit Right Sub-Tree
Pre-order traversal method:
1. Process Current Node
2. Visit Left Sub-Tree
3. Visit Right Sub-Tree
Post-order traversal method:
1. Visit Left Sub-Tree
2. Visit Right Sub-Tree
3. Process Current Node
C/C++ Implementation with full program:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int value; node* left; node* right; }; struct node* root; struct node* insert(struct node* r, int data); void inOrder(struct node* r); void preOrder(struct node* r); void postOrder(struct node* r); int main() { root = NULL; int n, v; printf("How many data's do you want to insert ?\n"); scanf("%d", &n); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ printf("Data %d: ", i+1); scanf("%d", &v); root = insert(root, v); } printf("Inorder Traversal: "); inOrder(root); printf("\n"); printf("Preorder Traversal: "); preOrder(root); printf("\n"); printf("Postorder Traversal: "); postOrder(root); printf("\n"); return 0; } struct node* insert(struct node* r, int data) { if(r==NULL) { r = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); r->value = data; r->left = NULL; r->right = NULL; } else if(data < r->value){ r->left = insert(r->left, data); } else { r->right = insert(r->right, data); } return r; } void inOrder(struct node* r) { if(r!=NULL){ inOrder(r->left); printf("%d ", r->value); inOrder(r->right); } } void preOrder(struct node* r) { if(r!=NULL){ printf("%d ", r->value); preOrder(r->left); preOrder(r->right); } } void postOrder(struct node* r) { if(r!=NULL){ postOrder(r->left); postOrder(r->right); printf("%d ", r->value); } }
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. Brushong up on my C and learning data structures
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