Shortest Job First is a scheduling algorithm. In this type of scheduling algorithm, jobs (processes) with the shortest burst time executes f...
First Come First Serve Scheduling Algorithm in C with Gantt Chart
First Come First Serve is a CPU scheduling algorithm. In this algorithm, Jobs are executed on First Come First Serve basis.That is, the job ...

In-order, Pre-order and Post-order Tree Traversal using C Programming
In the last post, I showed you how to implement a Binary Search Tree. In this post, I am going to show you how to traverse a tree using In-o...

C program to implement Binary Search Tree (BST)
A Binary Search Tree ( BST ) is a binary tree that maintains the following property: BST [ fig. Wikimedia ] The left subtree of a no...

Checking if a number is Even or Odd using Bitwise Operator
Even Number: Any integer that is divisible by 2 is called even number. For example: 2,4,6,20 etc. are even numbers. Odd Number: Any i...

Postfix Evaluation using C++ Stack
Any equation in the form "5 + ((1 + 2) × 4) − 3" is called Infix expression. The postfix expression of this infix notation will ...

Calculate Distance of Two Points using C Structure
Let A (x 1 , y 1 ) and B (x 2 , y 2 ) are two points. Then the formula to calculate the distance between these two points is: In general,...